Friday, March 14, 2008

What in the world?

What's next?? Last Wednesday, Piper complained of an earache. I took her to the doctor and she confirmed that Piper has an ear infection. So, she's on amoxicillin now. Saturday, Caelyn woke up with a backache. Finally took her to the doctor on Tuesday when it wasn't any better. He thinks she just pulled a muscle somehow and we're to wait it out to see where it goes -- gets better or worse. She hasn't complained too much about it since Thursday though, when I took her back to the doctor and it was confirmed that she has strep throat. So, now Caelyn's on amoxicillin, too. At least if Piper gets it, it'll be killed by the antibiotic she's on! Worried about the two little ones getting sick, keeping everyone away from them. And Jason came home from work tonight with the right side of his face all red and swollen. Maybe I'll move out til they're all better!

But, nothing's stopping them and 20 of their friends from having fun at their co-party tomorrow night. More on that when I recuperate.....

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