Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Caelyn's locks of love

Caelyn has been growing her hair for years now. It is three quarters of the way down her back and beautifully blond. {sigh} I remember when I had hair like that. But I digress. At her new school, they have a club based on the Locks of Love charity. Locks of Love is where you donate at least 8 inches of your hair and they weave it into wigs for those who have lost their hair due to chemo and such. All she has to do is keep growing her hair and agree to have it cut and donated over Spring Break. I can't wait, just because I'm tired of all the hair brushing and combing that's done by me. But it does look beautiful. I've added a picture of her just to give you an idea of how long her hair already is. Plus she loves to pose and I haven't emailed any recent pics of her to anyone lately. Unfortunately, the camera can only take 4 pictures at a time and I didn't get a really good picture of how long her hair really is, but I'm pretty sure you can see it.


Jules said...

she's always been a beauty. my question is - when did the girl get glasses?

Kristen said...

Hmmm, maybe I should have started this blog sooner. She got glasses back in April. Good thing she looks so cute in them!